Pokémon UNITE
Editor‘s Review
Have you ever played Dota or League of Legends by any chance? Those are the two very representing MOBA games in the gaming industry and as you might have known, there are legit millions of apps being released and published over the decade. So it wouldn’t come as a shock to most of us that there are mobile MOBA games that are out in the market. So what’s new? The game called Pokemon Unite is one of the mobile game that you will see on the market and you will be surprised if this is your first time hearing about it as I were when I first heard about it. I wasn’t even sure what the game is about when I first heard about but when I got to the store page, the answer is right there.
It’s a mobile MOBA game so it’s the same thing as you would see in the majority of MOBA games sharing the same mechanism and control system. It’s like a replication of one of the League of Legends maps and I would be surprised at all since games take elements of each other for their own sake. The map looks quite familiar and it’s just so interesting to see Pokemon in the MOBA games fighting against each other. I mean I once thought about this when I was younger but that’s more in an Arena setting instead of this kind of situation. But I would assume this will also work great if you can't own a Switch since most people would still find getting a Switch needs some sort of saving. If you are already familiar with Moba games, then this game wouldn’t be such a big concern if you are worried about the mechanism or the control system. I think it’s the same across different games all over the place.
It’s 5 and 5 battles so each of you will have your designated role to play for the team. The team structure matters the most and communication between all of you is the key to success. It’s not a game just for one person but it requires sincere efforts from all of the players on the team. It’s not like you can carry everyone just by yourself doing all the work. That’s not possible and not to mention the game is in a fast paste so every decision you make in the game would be consequential for what’s coming next.
Strategies and good decision-making would be one of the hardest skills to get and the most determined factor in winning games. The map looks cute with Pokemon elements and the boost emblems look quite familiar in the anime show that I used to watch I love getting them upgraded and using them in the battles. The skins in the game are well-made and unique but I wouldn’t think it would necessary to get them since a lot of them cost quite a lot for you to get them. But the game is worth playing if you are either a big fan of Pokemon or you are just simply a big fan of all MOBA games.
The interface is nice and clean but the game suffers quite a lot of complaints from players about how the connection in the game is super unstable and the fact that the games are super imbalanced by having super strong or weak teammates. Its technical problems are not caused by phones or internet providers but the game does need a new update or some sort of patching to make sure that the gameplay isn’t lagging and therefore players can enjoy the game.
By Eric | Copyright © Game Nook - All Rights Reserved

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